Monday, December 21, 2009

postheadericon Template 42



Heres a tag I made using this template!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

postheadericon Tutorial - Rocker


This is my very first tut so be nice LOL
If you have any problems you can email me

Supplies needed for this tut
PSP X2 or any version will do

Tube of Choice
I used Ismael Rac
His work can be found HERE
You must purchase a licenses before using his work.

Mask of Choice (dont remember where i got mine)
Font Of Choice .. I used Metal As In Heavy can be found HERE
Scrapkit is a PTU kit by Kristin called Sophisticated Rocker can be found HERE
You can also find her blog HERE
Template # 309 By Missy can be found HERE

Open Missy's template
Delete the word art and the hearts on the template

click on bottom circle layer
Select your magic wand and click inside the circle
Grab Paper 8 or paper of your choice and paste as new layer..
Go to selections invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard
Delete original layer

Click on next circle layer
Select your magic wand and click inside the circle
Grab Paper 10 and paste as new layer
Go To Selections Invert and hit the delete key on your keyboard
delete original layer

Click on the biggest square
Select magic wand and click inside the square
Grab Paper 1 or paper of choice and paste as new layer
Go to Selections Invert and hit delete on your keyboard
delete original layer

Click on the white Square
Leave it white or color of choice
Go to Effects - Texture Effects - Blinds
With These Settings - Width 2 - Opacity 31 - Color #3675cd (or color to match your tube)
Horizontal Checked

Click on your smallest circle layer
Select Magic wand and click inside
Choose a color to match your tube and fill it with that color
delete original layer

Now lets work on the frame layer
Click on the square layer under the frame
Select your magic wand and click inside the square
Grab paper 16 and paste as new layer
Go to Selections - Invert - and hit delete
delete original layer

Now click on the frame layer
Select your magic wand and click on the frame
Choose a color to match your tube/kit and floodfill with that color
delete the original layer

Choose a few elements of choice from the kit or kit of choice
Place to your liking
Any kit will do :)

Now lets finish the tag
Choose your tube
Paste your tube and place it on the frame the way you want it
Duplicate your tube and on the duplicate go to Adjust - Blur - Gaussian Blur 2
Change your blend mode on that tube to overlay and merge your duplicate and original tube later together

Now duplicate your tube again and bring one below the frame layer and one on top
Use your eraser tool to erase the parts of tube you want erased so it looks like it is
behind the framer layer.

Now add a new raster layer move this layer to the very bottom
Go to Selections - Select All
Choose a paper of choice from the kit youre using or if you have the kit i used
Paper 17 and paste into the selected area
Apply mask of choice and merge group
Im sorry i dont know where i got the mask i used
but any mask will do!

Add your name with font of choice (i used Metal as in Heavy)
Add Copyright
Merge Visible and save as png

Thanks for giving my 1rst tut a try :D